Meet Dopi!

Dopi is a safe mobile application that brings together education and entertainment in disciplines such as Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics, offering a lifetime learning experience for your children.

Multimedia collage

  • Steam Gains

    In Dopi, your children will blend the basic elements of the future such as
    creative thinking, artificial intelligence, Industry 4.0, Web 3.0, and they will
    be able to develop their skills in the field of Science, Technology,
    Engineering, Art and Math with the "Digital Game-Based Learning"

  • Curriculum Outcomes

    Instead of the usual methods in Dopi, they will have the opportunity to
    practice what they have learned in Mathematics and Science curriculum topics
    such as Operations, Measurements, Fossils, Magnetism, Light with examples from
    life and the "Gamification" methodology, which attracts children's attention and
    realizes learning by having fun.

  • Progress Tracking Panel

    Finally, with the panel developed for parents, you can follow your children's
    activities, achievements and development processes in Dopi with certain
    statistical data and accompany them on their fun learning journeys.